CREATIVE ARROW provides a holistic approach to coaching that focuses on using mindfulness to provide guidance in order to achieve sustainable individual growth.
One of the principle approaches enshrined in Creative Arrow’s strategy is that of Mindfulness, which contributes to the overall effectiveness of Richard’s organic approach to improving an individual’s or organisation’s ability to create and sustain growth and support ongoing development.
Mindfulness means analysing what is going on inside and outside ourselves, moment by moment.
"It's easy to stop noticing the world around us. It's also easy to lose touch with the way our bodies are feeling and to end up living 'in our heads' – caught up in our thoughts without stopping to notice how those thoughts are driving our emotions and behaviour.
Equally as invaluable to our personal growth and fulfilment is having the ability to sift out the negative influences on our behaviour and decision-making and gain strength from retaining the positive thoughts and motivations that contribute to our sense of fulfilment and wholeness of purpose.”
Guided visualisation is a process whereby your therapist leads you through imagining in your mind’s eye a relaxing scenario. experience, or series of images.
The point of guided visualisation is to harness the brain’s positive response to images to help you manage your emotions and life challenges more effectively.
By doing so, the client concentrates on positive sensations and perceptions and the mind and awareness are cleansed and sharpened in order to carry out tasks more effectively.
Self-talk (or inner-dialogue) is something you do naturally throughout your waking hours.
People are becoming more aware that positive self-talk is a powerful tool for increasing self-confidence and curbing negative emotions.
People who can master positive self-talk are more confident, motivated, disciplined and productive.
Again, by honing the ability to be aware of our thoughts, and let go of those which are unproductive or detrimental to our aspirations and ambitions, the mind’s power is refined and can be harnessed as a powerful tool to influence and change the world around us.
The Sensorium programme uses audio and aromatics for invigoration, calmness or to instigate creativity.
Using bi-aural beats and custom music designed for our minds to react in a way for stimulation or relaxation to be facilitated with hardly any verbal dialogue we are able to stand aside from our habitual thought streams and evaluate the value of our consciousness.
The Transition programme was developed using strong visuals, affirmations, audio, CBT/NLP and verbal exercises to increase motivation, confidence and self-esteem.
It uses powerful visual stimuli, affirmations audio, CBT/NLP as well as verbal exercises to reinforce positive self-exploration and more profound and productive personal insights.
The emphasis is on the group to contribute to the programme and on the trainer to tailor the course to the particular requirements and specifications of the group, using input from the pre-course assessments (n.b) Mindful- walking is an option on this programme.
Memories can express and personify thoughts, states of mind, feelings and emotions, so by using audio visual triggers and tapping in to the well-springs of an individual’s memory, this bespoke therapy can remove obstacles to development that have fossilised over time and stimulate fresh growth and positivity.
It is of paramount importance that an individual is able to detect where mental and emotional blocks have cut-off connections to their best self and are able to re-open the conduits through which their good energy can flow unimpeded to stimulate positivity.
Creative writing (also optioned on this course) promotes logical thinking, imaginative and objective assessment of problems and ideas to enable catharsis and encourage nervous, emotional, mental and professional breakthroughs, while reducing stress, depression and anxiety.
What method of coaching works best to find the spark within you is something we can find out together, taking into account your individual personality, talents and aspirations. Combining multiple techniques is what I find works best.
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